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4 Place Branding Examples to Inspire Economic Development Professionals

Economic development is the objective of many place branding initiatives. Here four examples of city branding strategies to inspire economic developers.

How to Brand a City Region: Example ONLYLYON, France

City branding case study - example Lyon, France. Learn about city brand development and management by ONLYLYON: its mission, approach, challenges and successes.

Branding Cities Through History and Culture: Example Verona and Cannes

Svetlana Masjutina discusses the role of history, culture, events in the branding and brand positioning of cities, with Verona in Italy and the French city of Cannes as examples.

Some Thoughts on Country Brand and Reputation of France

Place marketing expert Christophe Alaux shares his thoughts on the country brand of France France, which he sees threatened by complacency.

Christophe Alaux on Place Marketing in France

Christophe Alaux, Director of the Chaire Attractivité et Nouveau Marketing Territorial (place marketing), University Aix-Marseille, France.
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