4 Place Branding Examples to Inspire Economic Development Professionals

Economic development is the objective of most city branding case studies published by The Place Brand Observer over the last years – which is hardly surprising considering the growing competition between cities around the world for talent, investors and new business. Alas, developing a feasible place brand strategy for encouraging economic development in cities, neighborhoods or regions isn’t easy.

The purpose of our place branding case studies and examples of best practice is to help those in charge of economic development to know what to expect and what to ask for when engaging with place brand(ing) strategies.

4 Place Branding Examples for Economic Development Pros

Here are four place branding examples which we think will be particularly interesting for economic developers:

Former Edmonton city brandingMake Something Edmonton, Canada

In this case study on city branding, learn about the award-winning storytelling and city brand development approach of the city of Edmonton in Canada. Expertly led and told by Todd Babiak – economic development promotion at its best.

Here’s the intriguing story of how city branding tactics have helped the economic development of Edmonton

Mentions of ONLYLYON in the international press

ONLY Lyon, France

City branding case study – example Lyon, France. Learn about city brand development and management by ONLYLYON: its mission, approach, challenges and successes. Business is booming in this up and coming city in Southern France. A veritable fountain of inspiration for economic developers in Europe and beyond.

Learn more about ONLY Lyon’s approach to place branding to support economic development

Mississauga city LogoMississauga, Canada

The Canadian city of Mississauga is another compelling example of place branding strategy used for economic development and talent attraction, shared by David Ferreira, Jeannette Hanna and Malcolm Allan. A useful illustration of how a city brand can strengthen a place and rally its stakeholders around a common vision.

Learn more about how to develop a city brand strategy – example Mississauga

Cork Region City Branding - Brand CompassCork, Ireland

Malcolm Allan sent us his case study on the brand development for the city region of Cork in Southern Ireland. A very comprehensive description of how to develop a city brand strategy to encourage economic development, together with the city’s main stakeholders.

Learn more about the city brand development for Cork region

Explore further:

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