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4 Things Australia Can Teach Asia in City Branding – And Vice Versa

Christopher Hire on city branding and urban development in Australia and Asia, and what Australian and Asian cities can learn from each other.

World Happiness Report 2017: In Which Countries Live World’s Happiest People?

According to the World Happiness Report 2017, people in Norway feel the happiest, closely followed by Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland.

Why Successful Placemaking Needs A Meaningful Brand, Not A Mere Logo

Placemaking specialist Andrew Hoyne on why successful place development needs a meaningful brand and not a mere logo, with case studies from Australia.

Andrew Hoyne on Placemaking and Branding Trends in Australia

Andrew Hoyne discusses how placemaking, design and putting people first can help establish meaningful and profitable places, with examples from Australia.

Destination Check: Current State of Tourism Sustainability in Australia

Destination Australia - sustainable tourism leader or laggard? Susanne Becken and Stewart Moore reflect on destination sustainability Down Under.

Differentiating the Place Brand: Insights from the Revived Gold Coast (Australia) City Brand Story

Amelia Green reflects on the role of city brand storytellers in place branding, and illustrates how storytelling can be enhanced by local media, such as in the case of Blank GC, reviving the Gold Coast city brand story.
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