City Showcase:Lublin

Lublin, situated in the heart of Central-Eastern Europe, is a dynamically developing city with a rich educational and cultural offer. With its modern infrastructure, it provides an excellent environment for both business and daily life. In recent years, Lublin has undergone a massive transformation, becoming one of the largest IT hubs in Poland and one of the most promising locations in the country for modern business services.

The city has made a number of substantial investments in the development of the tech sector, including the Lublin Science and Technology Park or incubators of entrepreneurship, which create excellent conditions for the growth of innovations and attract new investors and professionals in this field. Lublin is a unique business ecosystem where innovation, creativity, and technological progress go hand in hand.

Join us as we explore Lublin as a place to live and work, focusing on topics such as:

  • Lublin as a destination for high potentials, visitors, and investors
  • Lublin's challenges and strengths - opportunities waiting to be seized
  • How does the city attract valuable visitors, businesses, students or talent?

Embracing UNSDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Lublin's Vision for Growth

Lublin’s journey towards becoming a leading European city is anchored in its strategic vision, which is vividly represented by the "Brand Lublin" project initiated in 2007. This initiative was crafted to forge a lasting and cohesive image that encapsulates the city's rich history, vibrant culture, and forward-thinking innovation.

The city's approach to development is multifaceted, targeting economic, cultural, and educational sectors to foster a dynamic environment conducive to growth and investment. Central to this vision is Lublin's commitment to becoming a hub for high potentials, investors, and businesses, leveraging its strategic location and robust infrastructure.

Key Developments:

  • Enhancement of economic zones to attract global businesses
  • Investments in technology and innovation through the Lublin IT Upland and other tech parks
  • Support for cultural institutions and events that highlight the city’s multicultural heritage
  • Programs aimed at enriching the educational landscape to maintain a high rate of international students

These strategic elements are designed not only to promote Lublin locally and globally but also to ensure that the city continues to thrive as a sustainable and inclusive community. With a clear focus on maintaining a balance between modernity and tradition, Lublin's strategic vision aims to enhance its position on the global stage while preserving the unique characteristics that define its identity.

Priority sectors defined in the Lublin Development Strategy 2030:

  • Business services
  • Smart grids and ICT
  • Machinery and automotive industry
  • Healthy society and healthcare
  • Automated food processing and functional food
  • Chemical processes and specialty chemicals
  • Innovative logistics

Lublin Facts & Figures

Residents in City
Residents in Metropolitan Area
Higher Education Institutions
Working Age Population
With a Higher Degree
Unemployment Rate
Businesses Registered in Lublin

Economic Development & Innovation

At the heart of Lublin's development is a comprehensive strategic vision that seeks to propel the city into a future characterized by innovation, inclusivity, and international acclaim. This vision is grounded in the city’s deep historical roots and leverages its vibrant culture and strategic geographic positioning. Here, we explore the pivotal initiatives and projects that are shaping Lublin into a city poised for global recognition and success.

The DataArt in Lublin was established on the initiative of one of the company's vice-presidents in 2014. The choice of location was determined by the human capital consisting of graduates of IT and linguistic faculties of local universities, the presence of the airport, the involvement of the Municipal Office in activities for the benefit of the business and the dynamic development of Lublin IT industry. From the perspective of time, we can see other factors conducive to the development of the company - high quality of life and unprecedented friendliness of Lubliners towards foreigners.

Julia & Jarosław Diatczyk

Members of the board at DataArt Poland


Lublin IT Upland

Boosting the IT sector through dedicated support and growth of IT/ICT companies, increasing employment in the industry significantly.

Smart City Lublin

Enhancing urban life with smart technology, from traffic management to public data e-services, aligned with the Human Smart City 3.0 paradigm.

Study in Lublin

Attracting global talent with initiatives encouraging international students to engage in Lublin’s academic and cultural life.


Promoting innovation with a focus on high-tech industries including AI, robotics, and sustainable tech solutions.

Lublin's scientific potential

Lublin is a place with a firmly established position on the scientific map of Poland, Europe and the world. Thanks to over a hundred years of academic tradition, and more recently, also thanks to the responsible city`s policies, research-driven development disciplines and the cooperation between science, business and administration, it is possible to use this potential also in a wider context: social and economic.

Building a Sustainable and Smart Urban Future

Lublin’s smart city projects utilize advanced technologies to optimize urban functions, from traffic management systems to digital public services. These efforts streamline city operations and improve accessibility, making Lublin a model for smart urban development.

Video: Experience Lublin

Behind the Scenes: Mariusz Sagan Interview

Meet Mariusz Sagan PhD, the strategic mind behind Lublin’s rise as a dynamic and culturally rich metropolis. As the Head of Strategy and Investor Relations at Lublin City Hall, Mariusz has played a key role in shaping the city’s future through innovative urban planning and robust economic development initiatives.

In this interview, Mariusz shares his personal insights into what makes Lublin a unique place to live, study, and work, and discusses the strategic moves that are positioning Lublin on the global stage.

Global Connections & Opportunities

Lublin's strategic initiatives extend beyond its borders, fostering significant international partnerships that boost both economic and cultural ties.

A standout example is its robust cooperation with Ukrainian partners, which not only positions Lublin as a pivotal hub in Europe’s economic recovery efforts but also strengthens its role as a culturally diverse and socially rich urban center. This engagement enhances Lublin’s appeal as a prime location for international businesses and investors looking to leverage the city’s dynamic and resilient economic landscape

"Lublin’s strategic geographical positioning and vibrant cultural tapestry are pivotal in forging robust international collaborations that drive our city's dynamic growth. As we continue to strengthen our ties with key global partners, particularly our fruitful relationships with Ukrainian stakeholders, we are setting the stage for a thriving economic future. These partnerships not only enrich our community but also attract diverse talents and businesses, positioning Lublin as a central hub in Europe’s landscape of innovation and commerce. It is crucial that we continue to showcase our city’s unique attributes and potential to the world, ensuring that Lublin’s voice is influential and distinct on the international stage."

Krzysztof Żuk

Mayor of Lublin

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Our thanks to Mariusz and the team at Invest in Lublin for sharing resources and information supporting our overview of Lublin city in Poland.
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