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Placemaking Professionals

Chris Wade on Sustainable Urban Development and the Intersection of Placemaking and Place Branding

Interview with Chris Wade on placemaking and place branding, with a focus on cities and sustainable urban development in the UK and beyond.

Ryan Short on Placemaking and City Branding Practice in the US

Ryan Short, CEO of CivicBrand, shares his thoughts on Placemaking and City Branding Practice in the US. With insights into community-led place branding.

Rafael Enzler on Placemaking in Switzerland

Rafael Enzler of gutundgut on the meaning of placemaking, the trends - such as growing demand for sustainability - impacting the work of place makers and -branders, and why museums are such an important ingredient of a city's image and identity.

Fred Kent on Innovative Placemaking, Public Spaces and Community Well-Being

Fred Kent on the need to build and strengthen the social fabric of communities by designing public spaces that bring people together and hence boost the local economy.

Jan Gehl on How To Make Cities More Liveable and Sustainable

Jan Gehl reflects on his long career as architect and urban design consultant and shares his thoughts how to make cities more liveable and sustainable: success factors and challenges ahead.

Andrew Hoyne on Placemaking and Branding Trends in Australia

Andrew Hoyne discusses how placemaking, design and putting people first can help establish meaningful and profitable places, with examples from Australia.
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