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Public Diplomacy Professionals

Nicolas Bideau on Brand Switzerland, Nation Branding and Culinary Diplomacy

Ambassador Nicolas Bideau, Head of Presence Switzerland, in this interview shares his thoughts on Brand Switzerland, nation branding strategies and culinary diplomacy.

Oliver Zöllner of Stuttgart Media University on Place Branding in Germany

Oliver Zöllner, Professor at Stuttgart Media University in southwest Germany, offers a down-to-earth, slightly critical view on place branding.

Joshua Miller of the U.S. State Department on Research-Driven Diplomacy

Joshua Miller of the US State Department on why sound market research is so important for state agencies and bureaus and how it can support the work of public diplomacy professionals.

Annika Rembe on Sweden, Country Reputation and Public Diplomacy

Annika Rembe of the Swedish Institute explains how Sweden promotes itself abroad, its country branding challenges and public diplomacy strategies.

Simon Anholt on the Good Country Index and the Global Vote

Simon Anholt on his latest projects, the Global Vote and the Good Country Index, whose second version was published last week. In the interview Simon Anholt reflects on trends and the challenges of measuring how good - or bad - countries are for the global community.

Ali Fisher on Big Data, Networks, Public Diplomacy and Country Image

Ali Fisher, Principal Data Scientist at VORTEX (University of Vienna) and CPD Research Fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (University of Southern California), about big data, new networks and the resulting opportunities - and challenges - for public diplomacy professionals.
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