Who is Who

Magdalena Florek

Magdalena Florek is an independent international scholar, speaker, and author of numerous publications on place branding/destination branding, particularly on place brand identity, place branding measurement, and place brand communication. Co-author and advisor for cities and regions on branding and promotion strategies.

She is co-founding and board member and Education Director at the International Place Branding Association and Co-Editor of the academic journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy.

She is a former Associate Professor at the Poznan University of Economics and Business in Poland (post-doctoral degree). Senior Fellow at the Institute of Place Management in the UK. For 13 years she has served as member of the board at Best Place European Place Marketing Institute, Poland. In 2006/2007 Magdalena was a senior lecturer at the Marketing Department, University of Otago in New Zealand. Magdalena is also scholarship holder of the Fulbright Program at Northwestern University and the Kellogg School of Management in USA.

She is a member of the Editorial Boards of Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal. Expert of European Commission.

Magdalena has also completed a postgraduate degree in Painting at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznan, Poland and is an active artist who often portrays various aspects of urban life.

Member of the TPBO Panel of Place Brand Experts.


Magdalena Florek on the Evolution of Place Branding: A Personal and Professional Journey

Join Magdalena Florek as she reflects on her personal and professional journey in place marketing, sharing key moments that shaped her career. She discusses the challenges and rewards of working in this interdisciplinary field, from early experimental projects to her current focus on place brand identity and performance measurement. Magdalena also offers insights into the evolving practice of place branding and its future direction.

Magdalena, a few words on your current work and professional background?

I received my Ph.D. and post-doctoral degree in Management and Marketing. Since completion of master studies, my main focus has been place marketing, a novelty in Poland over two decades ago.

I started working on small projects which were the first attempts at implementing the marketing concept to places. These projects were often experimental and from today’s perspective, not very sophisticated. But it was good experience to learn the specificity of place branding. Hence, today I know very well what the challenges of this work are.

My current focus is on the development of place branding frameworks and solutions that are useful both for academics and practitioners. I am currently working a lot on methods of defining the brand identity of a place and on measurement of place branding performance as well as stakeholder engagement. I have been invariably interested in the broadly defined place brand management, so many aspects take my attention, such as place brand experience.

As an academic, what fascinates you about place marketing/branding as research topic?

To me, the most fascinating part of place marketing and branding is the fact that it relates to a living system: places. This open and constantly changing system poses a great challenge as a branding subject and it is hard to provide it with a framework. What is more, in this case it is difficult to adapt already recognised solutions.

Equally fascinating is the interdisciplinary nature of place marketing, which touches upon numerous disciplines like geography, urbanism, architecture, economics, tourism, planning and development, sociology, etc.

And finally, place branding and marketing as research areas are simply very needed by places and the people who want to live better lives in these places.

What were your breakthrough moments in terms of self-development in the discipline

Definitely my time in New Zealand as a senior lecturer and in the US as a Fulbright Scholar.

Working at University of Otago was my first experience of lecturing abroad, in an environment of international academic teachers and students. I was educated in demanding East European schools where the students were expected to learn a lot and to have their knowledge tested on a regular basis. In New Zealand, the approach to schooling was much more pragmatic, while contacts with the students are less formal. I met many wonderful colleagues there, with whom I worked for many years.

Going to New Zealand for a year was also a great opportunity to observe and do research in a country that has had so much success in place branding.

Staying in the U.S. has definitely changed my professional life. I found the time there very productive and inspiring in many ways. However, I cherish most the moments when I met the authors of the most famous book on place marketing at that time, namely Professor Kotler, Professor Rein and Professor Haider. They were very open and friendly, and gave me interesting insights into the discipline.

Meeting them, even observing their styles of work, proved very valuable. I still have copies of the books with their dedications and wishes; I must say, the wishes gradually come true.

Why did you and colleagues decide to start the International Place Branding Association (IPBA)?

On the one hand, I saw a great need to professionalize our field, I observed how many agencies easily tried to treat places like beverage brands. I was plainly concerned that cities and regions would fall into some sort of trap. On the other hand, knowing so many excellent scholars, it was a shame to waste such potential. So, I initiated, together with colleagues from Best Place - European Place Marketing Institute (which had already been active in Poland for some time and with which I worked with for 13 years) a meeting with the best in the field in my home city of Poznan, where we all decided this was the right moment to found IPBA. To date, IPBA has already organized eight international conferences together with our partners and we have launched the IPBA Academy, where we train people from all over the world.

How do you evaluate the practice of place branding today?

Of course, services in this area are already more professional, many agencies have even specialized in place branding and work with great professionals. Some, however, treat places schematically without seeing their specifics (which can involve very different aspects of the process). Still others are able to create a super impression, but place marketing is not about creating a magnificent show but about effects, which means that it requires a long-term perspective. Specialists who have a “catchy” idea for a place and are on the lookout for the place where it could be applied, play with the hopes of people who want to make their place a better one.

That's why it's also so important to educate place managers, officials, etc., so that they can assess how agencies or consultants operate and can react accordingly. And it is these managers who sometimes undertake place brand strategies themselves or with the support of external experts, often with excellent results.

Are there any tendencies in place branding you would like to stress?

I think we are at the stage of rethinking place branding - to really understand what we need it for and how to use it wisely. And I believe that place branding should go beyond its original roles - identification and distinction. These are still important, but place branding should move to a higher level and be more involved.

It's so uplifting to see actions initiated by places that relate to the common good - by common I also mean beyond the boundaries of place - because we have common problems to solve (such as climate change). So like never before place branding should be treated as public policy and not as a policy supplement.

Your advice to young professionals or graduates eager to get a foot into the place branding and marketing profession?

This is anything but an easy research area, requiring an inter-disciplinary approach and flexible thinking and acting. Cooperation with place managers and stakeholders tends to be difficult if not altogether frustrating. Having said that, I must admit that this job can be very rewarding, broadening your horizons and offering various outlooks on people and their environment.

Thank you, Magdalena.

Speaking & Consulting

Magdalena Florek speaks on topics such as:

  • General place branding and destination branding
  • Place brand identity
  • Research and analysis
  • Place brand measurement
  • Place brand communication strategies
  • Stakeholder engagement and events
  • Trends and future of place/destination branding

As a consultant, Magdalena typically advises in areas such as:

  • Place branding strategy
  • Communication/promotion strategy
  • Place brand identity/image
  • Place brand measurement and effectiveness
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Research and analysis

In recent years, she has served as an advisor or co-author of strategies and branding related projects for places such as (among others): the city of Warsaw, the city of Cracow, Montenegro, Kuyavia-Pomerania region, Lesser Poland region, the city of Poznan, and Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts in Sri Lanka.

Please contact Magdalena for cooperation possibilities.


Magdalena delivered a remarkable and insightful presentation on creative city and place branding at our SPLASH: Soft Power Forum in Bangkok 2024. Her expertise provided valuable information and inspiration to our audience, which included city and municipal executives.

Dr Chakrit Pichyangkul

Creative Economy Agency, Thailand

Magdalena worked with ESIC's Corporate Education team to design a detailed City Branding Conference for Malaga. Her fresh presentation and valuable insights at the roundtable made the collaboration a great success, thanks to her professionalism and engaging personality.

David Albiach Fernández

ESIC Business & Marketing School

Magdalena delivered insightful lectures at the "Place and Communication" workshop at the Communication University of China. Her clear and dynamic style, backed by her expertise and consulting experience, was well-received by educators, students, urban planners, and media professionals.

Prof. Chunying WEN

Communication University of China

Teaching, Research & Publications

Magdalena has published several books in Polish and numerous book chapters and academic papers in English. For a detailed list, see her Google Scholar profile. She edited six journal special issues on place branding and is a co-author of the How-To Guide for Teaching Place Branding at University.

Magdalena is also a co-editor of the quarterly journal, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy.

Magdalena has been teaching and offering courses and speeches for several institutions and organizations in Europe and Asia, among others: THACCA - Thailand Creative Culture Agency, City Council of Malaga, Spain; University of Thessaly in Volos, Greece; Universitat Jaume I in Castellon, Spain; Chulalongkorn Business School, Thailand; Place Communication Research Center for Communication University of China; Barcelona City Council, Spain; University of Thessaly, Greece; Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies, Japan; Netwerk Citymarketing Netherlands.

Connect with Magdalena

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