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Hall of Fame

Emma Björner on Sustainable Tourism and Place Branding

Emma Björner shares her insights on city branding practices in China and how to involve relevant stakeholders meaningfully into place branding and sustainable tourism initiatives.

Eduardo Oliveira on Place Branding and Strategic Spatial Planning

Eduardo Oliveira in this interview discusses the role of place branding in spatial planning strategies and how social media is used in destination branding.

Greg Clark on City Branding and Urban Development

Greg Clark CBE in this interview discusses city branding and urban development trends, challenges and opportunities, with examples from around the world.

Gary Warnaby on City Marketing and Branding Retail Destinations

Learn about city marketing and how to manage and brand retail destinations in cities in this interview with Gary Warnaby, Professor at the Manchester Metropolitan University Business School in the UK.

James Pamment on Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy

James Pamment, Senior Lecturer at Lund University, in this interview discusses strategic communication, public diplomacy, and international development.

Cecilia Pasquinelli on Urban Competitiveness and Culture

Cecilia Pasquinelli, Postdoctoral Researcher at Gran Sasso Science Institute in Italy, in this interview talks about place branding, geographical associations of brands, urban competitiveness and cultural economy.
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