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Brand Finance

Konrad Jagodzinksi: Place Branding Director at Brand Finance

Meet Konrad Jagdozinski, Director of Place Branding at Brand Finance, in charge of the Global Soft Power Index and Nation Brands studies.

Artur Bryzghalov: Associate at Brand Finance

Meet Artur Bryzghalov – Place Branding Associate at Brand Finance, world's leading brand valuation firm headquartered in London, UK.

David Haigh: Leading Brand Finance

Meet David Haigh, the Chairman and CEO of Brand Finance Plc – the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy.

Alex Haigh: Brand Finance, Asia Pacific

Meet Alex Haigh, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, at Brand Finance -expert in ROI, brand strategy, licensing, and transfer pricing.

Dhanushika Shanmuganathan: Brand Finance

Meet Dhanushika Shanmuganathan, Associate Director at Brand Finance, extensively involved in Brand Finance’s Global Brand Equity Monitor.

Robert Haigh: Brand Finance

Meet Robert Haigh, Brand Finance's Director of Strategy and Sustainability in charge of sustainability research and consulting.
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