New Partner: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Journal
The Place Brand Observer is thrilled to partner with academic journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy by Palgrave. Read on for details.
Bernhard Klein, City and Destination Branding Consultant
Branding consultant Bernhard Klein on his work for Vienna city and its destination brand. Read about his thoughts on place branding and benefit from his expert advice.
How to Brand a City Destination: Case Study Vienna, Austria
Bernhard Klein reflects on the destination branding of Vienna, Austria, and how existing brand image and preconceptions influenced Vienna's brand strategy.
Andy Levine on the Keys to Success in Place Marketing and...
Andy Levine of Development Counsellors International (DCI) discusses success factors for place marketing strategies and how place branding can support sustainable economic development.
Why Economic Development Profession Needs to Reinvent Its Role to Stay...
Ed Burghard of Strengthening Brand America on why economic development professionals and EDOs need to reinvent themselves to stay relevant.
Ed Burghard on Brand USA and Strengthening Brand America
Ed Burghard (USA) on place branding, Strengthening Brand America, and how economic development professionals can serve the American Dream.