Maria Cristina Paganoni on City Branding and New Media
Researcher and academic Maria Cristina Paganoni on how new media is used in city branding, with examples from the UK and Italy.
Destination Managers: How to Create a Meaningful Visitor Experience
Guest post by Erik van t' Klooster on how to create meaningful visitor experiences at destinations. Good tips for destination marketing professionals.
Juan Carlos Belloso on City Branding and the Case of Barcelona
Juan Carlos Belloso discusses city branding, Brand Barcelona and why good leadership is crucial for place branding success.
Rebranding Barcelona as City for Business, Talent and Innovation: City Branding...
City branding expert Juan Carlos Belloso in this case study reflects on Brand Barcelona and its rebranding as city of talent, entrepreneurship and innovation.
Why Not to Confuse Place Branding and Place Marketing
Place branding and place marketing: where's the difference? Place reputation expert Robert Govers has answers - and illustrates how both can benefit cities, regions, countries.
Robert Govers on Place Branding Theory and Practice
Learn about the past and future of place branding theory and practice in this interview with city, country reputation scholar and advisor Robert Govers.