Nepal: high up in the Asian Himalayas, this country is famous for its high peaks and vivid culture. But how does it perform in international rankings that assess economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability? How well does its nation brand perform in comparison to other countries in the region?

Let’s explore what international rankings and indices have to say about Nepal in terms of its economic performance, sustainability, appeal to talent and investors, its country brand strength, soft power, and reputation.

Let’s take a closer look at:

  • Nepal’s soft power and country brand strength
  • Its appeal to skilled labour, investors, and visitors
  • The country’s global contribution to peace and well-being
  • How well it fares in terms of happiness and sustainability

Soft Power and Brand Strength

In the Global Soft Power Index 2024 by Brand Finance, Nepal ranks 105th, showing an improvement of 14 positions, despite a score decrease of -1.8. Within the region, it is at the lower end, with neighbours such as China (3rd), India (29th), Pakistan (81st), Bangladesh (96th) ranking higher, with the exception of Bhutan (123rd).

Appeal to Talent, Business, Trade, and Travel

The UNCTAD World Investment Report 2023 shows that Nepal’s FDI inflows for 2023 were valued at 74 million USD, reflecting a modest increase of 9 million USD.

The Country Brand Ranking Trade Edition 2024-2025 places the country 122nd globally and 35th regionally, between Azerbaijan (34th) and Macao (36th), with a slight decline of one position.

In the same firm’s Country Brand Ranking Tourism Edition 2024-2025, Nepal ranks 96th globally and 28th regionally, between Armenia (27th) and Kazakhstan (29th), and Pakistan (30th).

Nepal ranks 107th in the Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2023, showing no change from the previous year. Its ranking is similar to regional neighbours such as India (103rd) and Pakistan (109th), with the exception of China (40th). As a lower-middle-income country, it faces ongoing challenges in attracting and retaining talent.

The country’s cost of living ranks 112th according to the Numbeo Country Cost of Living Index.

Tribhuvan University ranks in the 1201-1500 bracket of the World University Rankings 2024 and is the largest higher education institution in Nepal, with nearly 400,000 students.

Sustainability Performance

Nepal ranks 165th in the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2024, highlighting significant room for improvement in environmental sustainability. However, it performs relatively well regionally, where it ranks 4th.

The Sustainable Development Report 2024 ranks Nepal 95th, an improvement of four positions, reflecting gradual progress in meeting various sustainable development goals.

How “Good” is Nepal?

The CAF World Giving Index 2023 highlights the importance of generosity and civil society in communities and countries. Nepal ranks 63rd, with 49% of the population helping a stranger, 37% donating money, and 37% volunteering.

In the Good Country Index, it ranks 74th overall. By categories, it performs comparatively well in International Peace and Security (27th), Prosperity and Equality (52nd), Planet and Climate (80th), and World Order (75th). There is room for improvement in Science and Technology (103rd), Health and Wellbeing (124th), and Culture (139th).

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Democracy Index 2023, Nepal ranks 98th, an improvement of three positions, reflecting ongoing efforts towards democratic governance.

The 2023 Corruption Perception Index ranks it 111th, a slight decline of one position, highlighting the persistent challenges in combating corruption.

Peace and Happiness

The Global Peace Index 2024 ranks Nepal 80th, a decline of 12 positions, though it ranks 2nd regionally.

The Global Terrorism Index 2024 places the country 45th, an improvement by eight positions, indicating ongoing efforts to combat terrorism.

The World Happiness Report 2024 ranks it 93rd, a decline of 15 positions. The report indicates that the elderly (76th) in Nepal are the most satisfied with their life, while younger and middle-aged groups report lower satisfaction levels.

Last updated in August 2024. Find more country profiles here.

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Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended to provide a general overview of Nepal’s economic and cultural landscape and facilitate comparison over time. While we strive for accuracy and completeness, we are not responsible for any typographical errors or inaccuracies. The data is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Users should verify any information before relying on it for decision-making purposes.