Place Branding Agenda 2019: Key Trends and Challenges

Which topics, trends and challenges are on top of the agenda of place branding professionals this year? A question which our friends at City Nation Place recently asked practitioners involved with placemaking, tourism promotion, economic development, nation branding, regional development and city marketing.

Here the 8 topics which – based on practitioner feedback – will dominate the agenda of City Nation Place conferences around the world this year:

  • What will be the economic impact of current global uncertainty over trading and political relationships?
  • Understanding and leveraging the brand hierarchy of your nation, region, city and place.
  • Are you an effective advocate for your place brand to your citizens and to government?
  • Sustainability is a term that is taking on an increasingly complex relevance.
  • Attracting and developing talent is being talked about more and more, and competition is fierce.
  • Connecting the dots between “placemaking” or “place shaping” and “place marketing”.
  • How to be a digitally native place brand.
  • Networks are key.

More about those 8 emerging place branding challenges and trends here.

As media partner of the prestigious City Nation Place events, we look forward to meeting and networking with you this year. More about the story of City Nation Place in our interview with Clare Dewhirst.

Tip: Keep an eye on our Conferences page for updates on upcoming events and networking opportunties around the world.


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