city rankings

City Reputation Rankings: Four Cities We Love For Their Sustainability

Learn about city reputation rankings linked to sustainability: Copenhagen, Stockholm, Vienna, Vancouver world's 'greenest' and most reputable cities.

City Reputation Ranking 2015 – World’s Strongest City Brands

City Reputation Ranking 2015 - Reputation Institute's Fernando Prado on this year's strongest city brands, trends and the City RepTrak methodology.

City Brand Monitor 2015: Austria’s Most Reputable Cities

City Brand Monitor 2015: Bernhard Klein of Brandmeyer Brand Consultants shares findings of report on most reputable cities in Austria.

City Reputation Ranking 2014: Insights and Interpretations

Summary of key insights from the 2014 City Reputation Ranking by the Reputation Institute, and interpretations of results.

Cities of Opportunity – Where Sustainability Thrives

PwC Cities of Opportunity report shows Sydney, Stockholm, Paris, Berlin, San Francisco, Toronto lead in liveability, according to expats.
