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sustainable development

How to Align Place Branding with Sustainable Development Goals

Experts discuss the importance of UN Sustainable Development Goals in place branding, focusing on community identity and enhancing reputation.

Olga Rauhut Kompaniets on Place Branding and Sustainability in the Nordics

Olga Rauhut Kompaniets shares how place branding is practiced in the Nordics, with a focus on community involvement and sustainable development.

Innovative Place Branding for Sustainability: Obstacles & Challenges

Expert views on challenges reducing our ability to use place branding innovatively as a tool for sustainable community and location development.

Innovative Place Branding for Sustainability: Opportunities & Priorities

Expert views on innovative place branding for sustainability of destinations, communities and business locations: opportunities and priorities.

How Innovative Place Branding Can Boost Sustainable Development – And Vice Versa

Expert views on how innovative place branding initiatives can boost the sustainable development of countries, cities and destinations.

Sustainability Spotlight

How can place branding support sustainable development goals? What does sustainable, regenerative place branding look like? Find out here.
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