sustainable development
Sustainable development has become a key concern for cities, destinations, regions and countries alike. Learn how place branding can support the sustainable development of places, explore best practice examples and catch up on latest research insights.
Rafael Enzler on Placemaking in Switzerland
Rafael Enzler of gutundgut on the meaning of placemaking, the trends - such as growing demand for sustainability - impacting the work of place makers and -branders, and why museums are such an important ingredient of a city's image and identity.
How to Increase Place Resilience to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts and Strengthen Reputation
Malcolm Allan on how places, in particular towns, cities and urban conurbations, can increase the resilience of their placemaking in the face of the existing and potential challenges of climate change.
Place Branding 2021: Key Priorities and Trends to Watch
Place branding 2021: which topicsm, trends and priorities should place brand managers look out for as we approach recovery from COVID-19? World's leading place reputation and community identity experts share their thoughts.
Onur Eryüce on How City Diplomacy is Helping Izmir Build its Global Influence and Soft Power
Onur Eryüce on how Izmir in Turkey is practicing city diplomacy, and the benefits of open data and collaboration among cities for strengthening urban sustainable development.
Daniel Valverde on Costa Rica’s Country Branding Strategy
Daniel Valverde Bagnarello on Costa Rica's country branding strategy and how the nation is successfully linking its brand proposition with values of sustainability and climate emergency mitigation.
Climate Emergency: What Place Branders Can Do Right Now
How place branding teams can - and should - respond to the climate emergency is the focus of this contribution by Malcolm Allan, President of Bloom Consulting.