Taiwan is known for its high-tech industry, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. The island nation boasts a strong economy driven by its manufacturing and technology sectors. Leading companies like TSMC, MediaTek, and Foxconn make it a key player in the global electronics supply chain. The country is also recognized for its advanced healthcare system, high quality of life, and welcoming environment for expatriates. However, the nation faces challenges related to international recognition and environmental sustainability.

But what do global rankings and indices have to say about Taiwan – its competitiveness, country brand strength, and reputation?

Let’s take a closer look at:

  • Taiwan’s soft power and country brand strength
  • Its appeal to skilled labour, investors, and visitors
  • The country’s global contribution to peace and well-being
  • How well it fares in terms of happiness and sustainability

Taiwan’s Soft Power and Brand Strength

The Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brand Index (NBI) calculates its ranking based on averaging the scores of six factors: exports, governance, tourism, culture, people, and immigration. According to the NBI 2023, Taiwan ranks 32nd, a slight decline of 2 positions from the previous year. This reflects the island nations’ steady position in global perception, despite challenges in some areas.

The UNCTAD World Investment Report 2023 shows that Taiwan’s FDI Inflows for 2023 were valued at 5,700 million USD, marking a decrease of 4,458 million USD. Meanwhile, FDI Outflows were 24,714 million USD, an increase of 9,125 million USD. These figures underscore the country’s significant outward investment, despite a drop in incoming investments.

Appeal to Talent, Business, Trade, and Travel

The Expat Insider 2023 ranks Taiwan 5th overall, highlighting its appeal to expatriates. The country excels in Healthcare (1st), Quality of Life (2nd), and Travel & Transit (3rd). The country also ranks well in Personal Finance (11th) and Safety & Security (19th), making it an attractive destination for expatriates.

The Bloom Consulting Country Brand Ranking Trade Edition 2024-2025 places Taiwan 45th globally and 17th regionally, reflecting its competitive trade environment. In the Country Brand Ranking Tourism Edition 2024-2025, the country ranks 43rd worldwide and 14th in Asia, indicating its strong appeal as a tourist destination.

In the IMD 2024 World Competitiveness Ranking, Taiwan is positioned 8th. Despite dropping 2 positions, it remains notably strong in Government Efficiency (8th), Business Efficiency (6th), and Infrastructure (10th), but faces difficulties in Economic Performance (26th).

How “Good” is Taiwan?

In the CAF World Giving Index 2023, Taiwan ranked 97th, with 55% of the population helping a stranger, 38% donating money, but only 11% volunteering.

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Democracy Index 2023, Taiwan ranks 10th, ahead of Luxembourg (11th) maintaining its position and reflecting a strong democratic environment.

The 2023 Corruption Perception Index ranks Taiwan 28th, with a slight decline of one position but still reflecting robust efforts against corruption.

Peace and Happiness

The Global Peace Index 2024 ranks Taiwan 43rd, falling by one position but maintaining a relatively peaceful environment. Regionally, it is 7th.

The Global Terrorism Index 2024 places Taiwan 89th, improving by 5 positions, highlighting the low impact of terrorism.

The World Happiness Report 2024 ranks Taiwan 31st, a decline of 4 positions. The report shows that The Young (25th) are the most satisfied with their life, followed by Upper Middle (31st),The Old (34th) and Lower Middle (35th).

Sustainability Performance

The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2024 ranks Taiwan 59th, indicating room for improvement in environmental sustainability. However, the island nation excels regionally and is ranked 4th.

Talent Attraction and Competitiveness

Taiwan has a number of respected universities contributing to its talent competitiveness, according to the World University Rankings 2024. National Taiwan University is ranked 152nd and China Medical University is in the 301-350th bracket.

Last updated in July 2024. Explore more country profiles here.

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Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended to provide a general overview of Taiwan’s economic and cultural landscape and facilitate comparison over time. While we strive for accuracy and completeness, we are not responsible for any typographical errors or inaccuracies. The data is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Users should verify any information before relying on it for decision-making purposes.