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Origins of clean green New Zealand

New Zealand: The Intriguing Story of a Destination Brand

For those interested in the branding and reputation of destinations, New Zealand is an intriguing case. Here's a summary of our special series on the origins, success and challenges of the country's 100% Pure New Zealand brand proposition.
Assessing place brand credibility of '100% Pure New Zealand'

Media Coverage of Clean, Green and 100% Pure New Zealand

Summary of research conducted for assessing place brand credibility in the case of 'clean, green' and '100% Pure' New Zealand destination brand positioning.
'Clean, green' New Zealand challenged

Place Brand Credibility: Example New Zealand

When place brand credibility and legitimacy are challenged: learn about the case of 'clean, green' and '100% Pure' New Zealand.
City Nation Place Forum

Event Alert: City Nation Place Conference & Awards 2016

City Nation Place, the flagship event for place brand managers, developers and marketers, is on in London, UK, this November 10th. Following its successful launch last year, City Nation Place again promises to become a great opportunity for knowledge sharing and networking among place branding, marketing and economic development professionals.
economic value clean green new zealand brand

Place Brand Equity: Economic Value of ‘Clean, Green’ New Zealand

Short review of literature on the economic value of New Zealand's 'clean, green' national image and its '100% Pure' destination brand.
100 percent Pure New Zealand destination marketing

Origins and Success of 100% Pure New Zealand Destination Brand

'100% Pure New Zealand' is widely regarded one of the most successful destination branding campaigns. But how did it all start? Find out in this summary of literature on the origins and success of the 100% Pure New Zealand campaign.