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Review of book chapter on public diplomacy by Nancy Snow

Public Diplomacy: New Dimensions

Book review on Public Diplomacy, New Dimensions & Implications by Nancy Snow. Introduces concept of new Public Diplomacy, and its links to nation branding.
world expo paris 1900 nation branding example

8 Things You Should Know About Nation Branding

Nation branding has become a popular concept. Jay Wang, Director of the USC Center for Public Diplomacy in the USA points out 8 things you need to know.
Nation branding example at the Olympic Games

Thoughts on Nation Branding as Concept and Theory

Jay Wang, Director of the USC Center of Public Diplomacy, shares his views on nation branding - definitions, concepts, theory.

Ethics And Why We Need To Rebrand Branding

Josh Jost ethics and identity consultant in London, reflects on ethics and why we need to rebrand branding, or at least think twice about how we approach brands and branding.

Place Branders, Don’t Mess With The People’s Brand!

What does place branding look like from a designer's perspective? David F Coates makes a compelling case for civic engagement in branding.
Simon Anholt TED talk Good Country Index Berlin 2014

Simon Anholt on Governments, Nations, Responsibility

TED talk by Simon Anholt on governments, country reputation and why countries and nations need to act as responsible, caring members of global community.