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City branding case study Cork

How to Develop a City Branding Strategy: Example Cork, Ireland

City branding case study on Cork in Ireland - a step by step example of creating and executing a city brand strategy by the branding expert, Malcolm Allan.
Germany tops nation brands index 2014

Why Germany First in 2014 Nation Brands Index Is Good News

Summary and thoughts on result of Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index 2014: Reasons and implications of Germany as most admired country and nation brand.
Good Country Index by Simon Anholt

Simon Anholt Explains Good Country Index

Interview with Simon Anholt on the Good Country Index - measuring responsibility and sustainability of nations and countries on the global stage.
Country Brand Index 2014 summary of country brand reputation findings and insights

Japan, Switzerland and Germany Lead Country Brand Index 2014

Japan, Switzerland, Germany have the strongest country brands, according to Country Brand Index 2014. But what makes a strong country brand? Some answers.
Place brand storytelling tips

Storytelling Tips for Place Branding Professionals

Four essential storytelling tips for place branding professionals and those working in city, destination, region or country marketing.
Place branding for megacities

Megacities, Mega Unlivable? Call For Place Branding

Peter Knapp in the Marketing Magazine looks at how place branding can be used to make megacities more human and liveable by giving suburbs unique identities.