Event Alert: City Nation Place Conference & Awards 2016

City Nation Place, the flagship event for place brand managers, developers and marketers, is on in London, UK, this November 10th. Following its successful launch last year, City Nation Place again promises to become a great opportunity for knowledge sharing and networking among place branding, marketing and economic development professionals.

Unlike academic conferences (which can be a little heavy on the theory side and not easily enjoyable for practitioners), City Nation Place has an innovative mix of keynotes, workshops and socializing, all topped off with the Awards, acknowledging smart ideas and best practice in place branding.

The Place Brand Observer will be there, and so will be many of the place brand thinkers and doers whom we have interviewed during the last years.

Tip: Register for City Nation Place now and benefit from a 15% discount as reader of The Place Brand Observer. Simply use code PBO15 on check out.

Learn more about the 2016 City Nation Place conference here

(Still) Open for Entries: Awards 2016

Creating a unique brand proposition and making your city, region, destination or country conquer the hearts and minds of target audiences is hard work which, if done well, deserves recognition. The City Nation Place Awards benchmark and celebrate best practice in place branding and marketing.

  • 16 September 2016 Deadline for entries
  • 5 October 2016 Shortlist announcement
  • 10 November 2016 Winners announced at the City Nation Place 2016 conference

The entry process is straightforward and it costs nothing to enter – we are simply looking for the best place branding stories from around the world.

The Awards Jury (including The Place Brand Observer founder and editor Florian Kaefer) will decide winners in five categories:

  • Best Expression of Place Brand Identity
  • Best Use of Social Media
  • Best Citizen Engagement
  • Best Communication Strategy
  • Place Brand Strategy

Learn more about the Award categories and how to enter

Know someone interested in attending City Nation Place in London this November to learn about best practice in place brand development, management and communication? Spread the word!


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