Global Soft Power Summit 2022 by Brand Finance – Event Invitation

Join TPBO founder, Florian Kaefer and leading practitioners and researchers of soft power at Brand Finance’s Global Soft Power Summit 2022, hosted at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in Westminster, London. A get together to discuss the next iteration of the Global Soft Power Index, and to explore and debate the role of soft power at a time when hard power is looming large.

The event follows the success of the previous Global Soft Power Summits, featuring keynote speakers: Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Former US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Hosted in partnership with BBC Global News, the Summit will include a presentation of the results of the Global Soft Power Index 2022 by Brand Finance – the world’s most comprehensive research study on perceptions of nation brands, surveying opinions of over 100,000 respondents worldwide on 120 nation brands.

The agenda will feature a keynote speech and two panel discussions. This year, the focus will be on the role of innovation in driving soft power, and the importance of promotion for building the nation brand abroad, and how Brand Finance foresees their significance evolving in future years.

Former Belgian Prime Minister, Member of the European Parliament & Co-Chair of The Conference on the Future of Europe, Guy Verhofstadt, will be the keynote speaker.

The event will include plenty of opportunity for networking with diplomats, politicians, academics, nation brand managers, and representatives of companies relying on geographic branding. The main conference will be followed by workshops.

Florian will contribute to the workshop on the impact of sustainability on nation brands and soft power.

Please visit the website or email for further enquiries.

For delegates unable to attend in person, the proceedings will be streamed live online.


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