Introducing Speaker Profiles: Place Brand Directory

Speaker profiles are our latest addition to the Place Brand Directory, now complementing our popular company profiles. The purpose of our speaker profiles is to give experienced place brand thinkers, managers and advisors a platform to present their speaking skills and availabilities for keynotes at conferences, workshops or master classes.

Reflecting the broad range of (connected) topics covered by The Place Brand Observer, our speakers are available to share their expertise in public diplomacy, strategic communications, place reputation, community building, placemaking, place marketing, economic development,..

All of those areas form part of or contribute to effective, strategic place branding which, as meeting ground and connecting idea for place professionals from various disciplines, is growing in importance around the world.

We invite you to explore our very first speaker profiles – Hjörtur Smárason and Robert Govers – and to bookmark our Place Brand Directory as the place to go for a who is who of companies and organizations dedicated to the development, management and promotion of strong, likeable, competitive, resilient and imaginative communities – neighbourhoods, cities, regions, nations, destinations.

If you’d like to be featured in our Directory – as speaker or business – please get in touch.


Join us at the intersection of research and practice in place branding. TPBO spotlights impactful place brand stories, from showcases to our flagship yearbook. Learn from leaders in our Who is Who World Map. Connect with us on LinkedIn for insights and join our mailing list for the latest place brand impact stories and strategies.

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