Moscow City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation

Moscow: how does the capital of Russia, one of the world’s geopolitical leaders, perform in studies of economic competitiveness? Is the twelve million city a global leader in terms of talent and innovation? How good is Moscow’s reputation abroad, and what are its best brand assets? Find the answers in this overview of Moscow’s performance and how Moscow positions itself on the world stage, drawing insights from data provided by TPBO partners and other reputable institutions.

Let’s take a closer look at:

  • Moscow’s competitiveness and financial performance
  • Moscow’s brand strength and global attractiveness

Disclaimer: the data investigated in the following sections is based on reports which have been published prior to the political turmoil in the region.

Moscow’s competitiveness and financial performance

How attractive is Moscow as a place to work and do business? 

The Global Financial Centres Index 34 ranks Moscow 114th, dropping 28 positions from the previous ranking. It is currently sitting between Mexico City (113th) and Tehran (115th).

According to 2thinknow’s Innovation Cities Index 2022-2023 Moscow ranks 76th, a drop of 42 positions from the previous ranking. The city now sits in between Abu Dhabi (75th) and Aukcland (77th).

Moscow’s brand strength and global attractiveness

Which subfactors hurt and help the brand of Moscow? 

Kearney’s 2023 Global Cities Report ranks Moscow 21st, upholding its positioning from last years’ publication.

The comprehensive ranking of the Global Power City Index ranks Moscow 34th. In terms of function-specific rankings, the city ranks 41st in terms of Economy, 22nd in R&D, 8th in Cultural Interaction, 26th in Livability, 32nd in Environment, and 33rd in Accessibility. Admirably, Moscow ranks 7th in Numbers of retail shops and 4th in Urban Greenery. Lastly, Moscow positioned 40th in the Highly-skilled Workers, 40th in the Corporate executive, 26th in the Resident, and 9th in the Tourism categories.

According to Brand Finance’s City Index 2023, Moscow ranks 63rd in the global ranking with a score of 62.5/100, sitting in between Warsaw (62nd) and Istanbul (64th).

Last updated in January 2024. More city profiles here.

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