Economic Development Leaders

Diane Edwards on Brand Jamaica, Country Branding and Investment Attraction Strategies

Diane Edwards, President of the Jamaica Promotions Corporations, discusses country branding challenges, the power of Jamaica as country-of-origin and its potential to become the business hub of the Caribbean.

Lauren Millier on Economic Development and Urban Planning

Lauren Millier in this interview discusses economic development, its challenges and links to urban planning and place branding. Part of a special series in collaboration with the International Economic Development Council, IEDC.

Carlos Delgado about Equitable Economic Development in U.S. Cities

Carlos Delgado in this interview talks about economic development programs for U.S. cities that are driven by transparency, equity and sustainability.

Gene DePrez on Economic Development, Place Branding and Competitive City Regions

Gene DePrez of Global Innovation Partners in this interview discusses the role of place branding in economic development and why it is crucial for the competitive positioning of city-regions.

Gordon Innes on City Branding, Placemaking and Economic Development

Gordon Innes in this interview shares his thoughts on city branding, economic development challenges and the benefits of integrated place management.

Ron Kitchens of Southwest Michigan First on Economic Development and Place Branding

Interview with Ron Kitchens of SouthWest Michigan First, on economic development, the future of U.S. cities, and his passion for people and leadership.
