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Place Brand Consultants

Adam Mikolajczyk of Best Place Institute on Meaningful City Branding

Adam Mikolajcyk of the Best Place Institute in Poland shares his thoughts on the country's nation brand and the current state of city branding practices in Central and Eastern Europe.

Brian Richards on Place Branding Success Strategies and New Zealand

Brian Richards of Richards Partners in this interview reflects on what place branding strategies need to be successful, how New Zealand performs as country brand, as well as the trends and challenges influencing place branders around the world.

Thorsten Kausch on Hamburg, MICE and the Future of City Marketing

Thorsten Kausch, Hamburg, discusses the changing role of city marketing, how urban sustainability imapcts the attractiveness of cities as MICE destinations.

Jonathan McClory on Soft Power, Nation Branding and Country Reputation in Asia

Jonathan McClory, General Manager for Asia at Portland Communications, in this interview discusses the links between soft power, place branding and country reputation.

Julian Stubbs on City Branding of Liverpool, Stockholm, Place Marketing Challenges and Trends

Julian Stubbs discusses the maturing practice of place branding, the case of Stockholm, destination and city marketing trends, challenges and developments, and the Liverpool Place Branding event 2018.

Pärtel-Peeter Pere on Branding in the Nordics, Nation Brands and Talent Attraction Strategies

Pärtel-Peeter Pere in this interview shares his thoughts on branding in the Nordics, nation brands and talent attraction strategies.
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