Place Brand Academics
Discover insights from leading academics in place branding through our collection of interviews with place brand researchers. Interviewees are selected via peer nomination, ensuring expertise and relevance in the field.
Eli Avraham on Place Image and Media Coverage of Cities and Countries
Eli Avraham of Haifa University in Israel shares his views on media coverage of cities and countries, and how place branding can help overcome a negative image.
Dominic Medway on City Marketing and the Future of Town Centres in the UK
Dominic Medway of Manchester Business School discusses the role of city marketing and place branding in the repositioning of town centres in the UK.
Björn P. Jacobsen on Inter-Regional and Cross-Border Place Branding in Europe
Björn P. Jacobsen of Stralsund University in Germany discusses the benefits and challenges of interregional and cross-border place branding in Europe.
Hume Johnson on Brand Jamaica and Nation Branding in the Americas
Hume Johnson in this interview discusses Brand Jamaica, nation branding challenges and destination branding in the Americas.
Irina Shafranskaya on City Happiness and Place Branding in Russia
Irina Shafranskaya shares her thoughts on city branding practice in Russia, current place branding trends, city happiness and sustainable urban development.
Statia Elliot on the Evolution of Destination Marketing and DMOs
Statia Elliot from the School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management at the University of Guelph in Canada, discusses the evolution of destination marketing, DMOs and the importance of place branding.