Place Branding

The Evolution of Destination Branding: Implications for Tourism Managers

Learn about the evolution of destination branding and the implications for tourism managers in this short interview with Marta Almeyda of Puerto Rico.

Current State of Place Branding Practice in Asia

Learn about the current state of place branding in Asia in the eyes of leading place brand developers, managers, researchers and place branding advisors.

Current State of Brand Africa: Place Branding Challenges and Opportunities

Leading place brand professionals reflect on the current state of Brand Africa. Learn about Africa's place branding challenges and opportunities.

Current State of Place Branding Practice in Europe

Place branding practice in Europe: European place brand developers, managers and marketers share their thoughts on place branding approaches in Europe.

Current State of Place Branding Practice in Latin America

Leading place brand developers, managers and marketers share their opinion on the current state of place branding practice in Latin America.

5 Place Branding Topics for Researchers to Explore in 2017

You are a researcher interested in place branding? Here are five ideas for research topics linked to place brand development and management to explore in 2017.
