Place Branding

Not Just About Money: How Cities Become Leaders in Talent Attraction

Svetlana Masjutina shares her thoughts and provides examples of how cities can become leaders in talent attraction and retention, especially catering to the needs of the millennial workforce. Case studies include Houston, Nashville, Montreal.

Book Review of Places: Identity, Image and Reputation by Simon Anholt

Review of the book Places: Identity, Image and Reputation by Simon Anholt. Summary of key points and the author's view on place branding.

Why Social Media Buzz Cannot Replace Place Branding

Back in 2013, Robert Govers published an interesting blog post on the now inactive Placebrandz website, in which he reflected on an exchange of ideas and arguments regarding social media and place branding that followed a conference. The post offered valuable insights, well worth sharing.

City Branding: To Flag or Not to Flag?

To flag or not to flag? Amelia Green investigates how city flags are used for place branding in cities such as Chicago (USA) and Gold Coast, Australia.

India: From Nation Branding to State Branding and Competitive Federalism

India nation brand expert Aparna Sharma discusses how Indian states have begun to develop their own brands and to position themselves internationally as business hubs, leading to representations of state and nation next to each other at important events, such as Davos.

Top 5 Place Branding Books to Read in 2016

Selection of five place branding books to read in 2016: Must reads for those charged with the difficult task of place branding, economic development or public diplomacy.
