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Public Diplomacy

Research Update on Cultural Heritage, Soft Power, and Digital Diplomacy

Summary of latest research on enhancing city brand equity, refining soft power measurement, and employing digital diplomacy effectively.

Knowledge Update: The Latest in Place Branding, Sports, and Pandemic Diplomacy Research

Research insights on leveraging sports, cultural events, and pandemic diplomacy for effective place branding and public engagement.

Public Diplomacy in Asia 2021 Conference Recap

A short summary and recap of the Public Diplomacy in Asia conference by the Singapore International Foundation, which took place in July 2021.

Public Diplomacy in Asia – Conference Preview

Partner contribution - Is people-to-people diplomacy the future of international relations in today’s hyper-connected world? How might states tap into the growing influence wielded...

Is Soft Power the Answer to Isolationism? Looking Back at the Global Soft Power Summit

David Haigh of Brand Finance Plc shares insights from the 2021 Global Soft Power Summit which took place earlier this year.

How to Use Soft Power and Hard Power in Country Reputation Building

Expert panel answers on how to merge soft power and hard power in the context of country branding, public diplomacy and reputation building.
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