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Public Diplomacy

Why Germany First in 2014 Nation Brands Index Is Good News

Summary and thoughts on result of Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index 2014: Reasons and implications of Germany as most admired country and nation brand.

Simon Anholt Explains Good Country Index

Interview with Simon Anholt on the Good Country Index - measuring responsibility and sustainability of nations and countries on the global stage.

Public Diplomacy: New Dimensions

Book review on Public Diplomacy, New Dimensions & Implications by Nancy Snow. Introduces concept of new Public Diplomacy, and its links to nation branding.

8 Things You Should Know About Nation Branding

Nation branding has become a popular concept. Jay Wang, Director of the USC Center for Public Diplomacy in the USA points out 8 things you need to know.

Thoughts on Nation Branding as Concept and Theory

Jay Wang, Director of the USC Center of Public Diplomacy, shares his views on nation branding - definitions, concepts, theory.
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