The reputation of places such as cities, regions, destinations – but also neighborhoods or city regions – is gaining importance due to a increasingly globally connected world. Find below latest reputation insights and rankings revealing the (brand) perceptions of cities, regions, countries, nations and destinations.
How Incredible India and the Reputation of London Led Me to PhD in Place Branding
Shalini Bisani tells us how the "Incredible India" marketing campaign and the reputation of London led her to pursue a PhD in Place Branding in the UK.
How Place Branding Can Support the Sustainable Development of Cities, Regions and Destinations
Snapshot of expert views on on how place branding and marketing can support the sustainability and sustainable development of cities, regions and destinations.
2017 Country Reputation Ranking: Leaders, Highlights and Trends
Country reputation study 2017: Nicolas Georges Trad shares key findings of RepTrak ranking and reflects on changes in country reputation over the last years.
Fred Dixon on New York City Branding and Reputation Management
Fred Dixon in this interview shares his thoughts on city branding, place identity and reputation management of New York City.
José Pablo Arango Calle on Country Branding and the Reputation of Colombia
Learn about Colombia's image, reputation and country branding initiatives in this interview with José Pablo Arango Calle of ProColombia.
Natasha Grand on Creating Place Identity
Natasha Grand of the Institute for Identity (INSTID), on place identity creation as tool to guide locals to their greater purpose, and to unlock their self-esteem. Learn why place identity work will be needed even more in a post-industrial world.