who is who
Fernando Prado Abuín: Country Reputation Expert
Meet Fernando Prado Abuín, Managing Partner at Reputation Lab, a globally recognised expert in reputation and brand management. As co-creator of the RepTrak® methodology and developer of RepCore®, he has shaped the strategies of leading corporations, governments, and institutions worldwide.
Michael Persson Gripkow: Strategist & Place Branding Advisor
Meet Michael Persson Gripkow: place branding strategist, keynote speaker, and advisor on destination strategy, nation branding, identity.
Hjörtur Smárason: Strategic Advisor and Communications Expert
Meet Hjörtur Smárason, strategic advisor, speaker and expert in place branding, sustainable tourism development, crisis communication.
Mary Harris: Director, Bird Global Advisory
Get to know Mary Harris, place marketing expert and founding director of Bird Global Advisory in London, UK.
Steve Duncan: Managing Director C Studios
Explore our interview and professional profile of Steve Duncan - expert in place marketing for FDI and talent attraction. Managing Director of C Studios.
Magdalena Florek: Scholar, Speaker, Advisor
Explore the professional profile of Magdalena Florek - independent scholar, speaker and place branding advisor, based in Poland.