who is who

Fabiana Mariutti on Brazil’s Place Brand Identity and Country Image

Fabiana Mariutti in this interview explores the multifaceted aspects of Brazil's complex place brand identity, image and country reputation.

Robert Govers: Scholar, Advisor, Speaker

Meet Robert Govers, a renowned international place branding advisor and author, exploring his influential work on city, region, and country reputation, and his role in shaping place branding theory and practice.

Florida Clements on Place Identity and the Isle of Man

Looking for insights into place branding and its application in small island nations? Look no further than our interview with Florida Clements, a place...

Amanda Ellis on Livability Priorities and the Rise of Small Cities in the US

Amanda Ellis on what livability means and why smaller cities and towns are thriving with regard to attractiveness for talent and investment.

Ryan Short on Placemaking and City Branding Practice in the US

Ryan Short, CEO of CivicBrand, shares his thoughts on Placemaking and City Branding Practice in the US. With insights into community-led place branding.
