Research Insight: Key City Branding Challenges in Europe
Summary of research by Teemu Moilanen on key city branding challenges in Europe, a paper published in the Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Journal.
Christopher Luxon on Destination Branding Success And the Role of National...
Air New Zealand CEO Christopher Luxon discusses the national carrier's role in communicating New Zealand's destination branding, and the country-of-origin benefits.
25th Economic Forum on Place Brands – Krynica-Zdroj (Poland) 8-10 September...
Essential info on the place branding panel organized by the Economic Forum in Poland, in collaboration with The Place Brand Observer, 8-10 September 2015.
Sebastian Zenker on Place Marketing and City Branding
Interview with Sebastian Zenker of Copenhagen Business School on place marketing and city branding in Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.
Creating Liveable and Loveable Places in Australia – the Scope for...
Place branding strategy consultant Malcolm Allan of PlaceMatters shares examples of cities in Australia and how they are creating liveable, loveable places.
Raquel Goulart Sztejnberg on Destination Branding and Place Brands in Brazil
Interview with place brand strategy consultant Raquel Goulart Sztejnberg on place branding, Rio de Janeiro, Brand Brazil and branding in South America.