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Ethics And Why We Need To Rebrand Branding

Josh Jost ethics and identity consultant in London, reflects on ethics and why we need to rebrand branding, or at least think twice about how we approach brands and branding.

Place Branders, Don’t Mess With The People’s Brand!

What does place branding look like from a designer's perspective? David F Coates makes a compelling case for civic engagement in branding.
Simon Anholt TED talk Good Country Index Berlin 2014

Simon Anholt on Governments, Nations, Responsibility

TED talk by Simon Anholt on governments, country reputation and why countries and nations need to act as responsible, caring members of global community.

Introduction to Place Branding

Video by Resonance Consultancy President Chris Fair on how place branding can become a powerful tool to differentiate a city, destination, or even country.
South Africa destination marketing - example for responsible branding and inclusive tourism

South Africa: Storytelling for Responsible Tourism

South Africa uses storytelling in its destination marketing to support inclusive tourism - great video and example for sustainability in place branding.

Thoughts on Good Country Index by Anholt and Govers

Ireland came first in the 2014 edition of the Good Country Index by Simon Anholt and Robert Govers, and has led to quite a stir. Thoughts & reflections.