Geneva City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation

Geneva is a tranquil blend of natural splendor, diplomacy, and innovation. Situated on the shores of Lake Geneva, between the Swiss Alps and the border of France, Geneva has been a significant symbol of peace since the signing of the Geneva Convention. Home to the United Nations and the headquarters of over 200 international organisations, including the Red Cross, Geneva serves as a vital hub for global diplomacy.

Moreover, the city is renowned for its groundbreaking particle physics research at CERN, notably housing the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator. As Switzerland’s second-most populous city, Geneva is a powerhouse in global finance, leading the way in sustainable finance initiatives.

These factors, including a high quality of life, have made Geneva a popular destination for professionals across diverse sectors, earning the city the title as Switzerland’s most cosmopolitan city.

But how does Geneva compare to other cities in the world, in terms of reputation and influence, business attractiveness and sustainability?

Let’s explore:

  • Geneva’s competitiveness and financial performance
  • Geneva’s brand strength and global attractiveness
  • Livability: Geneva’s appeal for digital nomads and locals

Geneva’s Competitiveness and Financial Performance

Which aspects of Geneva’s urban living make it an attractive place to live and work?

The Global Financial Centres Index 35 ranks Geneva 7th, between Shanghai (6th) and Los Angeles (8th). The GFCI 35 highlights Geneva as one of the top 15 most competitive centres. It leads in the areas of Human Capital, Financial Centre Development, and Business Environment, in addition to Industry Sectors such as Banking (4th), Investment Management (7th), Insurance (11th), Government & Regulatory (7th), Professional Services (10th), and FinTech (8th). It is also ranked 2nd in Western Europe, between London (1st) and Frankfurt (3rd).

Geneva is ranked 98th in the 2thinknow’s Innovation Cities Index 2022-2023. This is a significant increase of 101 positions and the city now sits between Cologne (97th) and Fort Lauderdale (99th).

Geneva’s Brand Strength and Global Attractiveness

Which subfactors hurt and help the brand of Geneva?

Kearney’s 2023 Global Cities Report ranks Geneva 36th between Milan (35th) and Rome (37th). Geneva is placed 13th in Kearney’s Global City Outlook ranking, highlighting that the city continues to remain a dynamic centre and an ideal home to numerous International organisations.

The comprehensive ranking of the Global Power City Index ranks Geneva 26th, between Chicago (25th) and San Francisco (27th). In function-specific rankings, Geneva performs well in Environment (3rd), Economy (8th), and R&D (23rd).

Brand Finance’s City Index 2023 positions Geneva 22nd, between Madrid (23rd) and Manchester (21st).


Which aspects of Geneva’s urban living make it an attractive place to live, study and work?

The Mercer Quality of Living City Ranking places Geneva 5th, between Frankfurt (6th) and Copenhagen (4th). The Mercer Cost of Living Ranking places the city at 4th, between other Swiss cities Basel (5th) and Zurich (3rd).

In the Best Urban Cities for Digital Nomads ranking by Spot a Home, Geneva is ranked 18th, between Montreal (19th) and Amsterdam (17th). The city ranks highly in Green Spaces and Parks, Migrant Acceptance, and Quality of Coworking Spaces.

The Arcadis Sustainability City Index 2022 ranks Geneva 47th, between Denver (48th) and Taipei (46th). Geneva’s pillar rankings are the following: Planet 33rd, People 36th, Profit 54th.

In 2024, the Times Higher Education ranking placed the University of Geneva 183rd, between the University of Twente (184th) and Arizona State University (182nd). The QS World University ranking positions the University of Geneva 128th, between Chalmers University of Technology (129th) and tied Leiden University and the University of Bern (126th).

Last updated in June 2024. More city profiles here

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