Colombia: Place brand insights and thoughts on the Colombian nation brand, Colombia’s country branding, reputation and positioning as country-of-origin.
Héctor Greco on Building a Community-Driven Brand for San Andrés Island
Héctor Greco of taller10i9 shares insights on branding destination San Andrés Island, community involvement, and trends in place branding.
Bogotá – City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation
Explore Bogotá’s economic and sustainability performance, attractiveness for investors and talent, its city brand strength, and reputation, according to leading rankings.
Leonardo Nieto on Advancing Colombia’s Place Branding and Destination Management
Explore Leonardo Nieto's thoughts on Colombia's place branding and destination management: challenges, successes and trends.
Colombia – Country Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation
Explore Colombia's performance in terms of economic competitiveness, sustainability, its soft power an attractiveness for fdi, investors, talent, visitors, according to leading rankings and indices.
Medellín – City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation
Explore Medellín's economic performance, its sustainability, city brand strength and reputation, according to international rankings.
Country Brand Report Latin America: 2017 Reputation Winners, Losers and Trends
Gustavo Konisczcer of FutureBrand LATAM presents the highlights of the Country Brand Report Latin America 2017: reputation winners, losers and trends.