Destination Branding
Destination Branding: Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) previously referred to destination branding as the promotion and marketing of their place to a specific audience of business or leisure travellers. In recent years, both the media landscape and consumer expectations have changed dramatically, forcing destination marketers and managers to rethink their strategy. The following articles offer expert insights, examples and advice on destination branding as a strategy that goes way above and beyond catchy advertising, slogans and logos.
Héctor Greco on Building a Community-Driven Brand for San Andrés Island
Héctor Greco of taller10i9 shares insights on branding destination San Andrés Island, community involvement, and trends in place branding.
Camilla Zedendahl on Royal Djurgården’s Sustainable Place Branding Journey
Camilla Zedendahl, CEO of the Royal Djurgården Society, discusses winning the 2025 Place Brand Impact Story Awards, how collaboration drives sustainable place branding, and what’s next for Djurgården.
City Nation Place Global Forum 2024: Key Takeaways
Our key takeaways from the 10th City Nation Place Global Forum in London, highlighting insights on city branding and place marketing.
Leonardo Nieto on Advancing Colombia’s Place Branding and Destination Management
Explore Leonardo Nieto's thoughts on Colombia's place branding and destination management: challenges, successes and trends.
Destination Observatory
Explore insights and strategies on top destinations in the Destination Observatory, focusing on sustainability, branding, and performance.
How to Use Data to Support Place Branding and Location Promotion
How can we use data and facts to support place branding and the promotion of locations? Expert panel shares insights and advice.