Destination Branding
Destination Branding: Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) previously referred to destination branding as the promotion and marketing of their place to a specific audience of business or leisure travellers. In recent years, both the media landscape and consumer expectations have changed dramatically, forcing destination marketers and managers to rethink their strategy. The following articles offer expert insights, examples and advice on destination branding as a strategy that goes way above and beyond catchy advertising, slogans and logos.
Christopher Luxon on Destination Branding Success And the Role of National Carriers Like Air New Zealand
Air New Zealand CEO Christopher Luxon discusses the national carrier's role in communicating New Zealand's destination branding, and the country-of-origin benefits.
Kevin Bowler on New Zealand Destination Marketing Strategies and Challenges
Tourism New Zealand CEO Kevin Bowler discusses the "100% Pure New Zealand" destination marketing campaign - its challenges and successes.
Tom Buncle on How to Succeed in Destination Branding
Destination brand adviser Tom Buncle of Yellow Railroad consulting shares insights from his successful marketing work for Scotland, Namibia, Africa.
How to Brand a City Destination: Case Study Vienna, Austria
Bernhard Klein reflects on the destination branding of Vienna, Austria, and how existing brand image and preconceptions influenced Vienna's brand strategy.
Do We Need to Reinvent Destination Marketing Organizations?
TED talk by travel writer and advisor Doug Lansky on how DMO can solve travel's authenticity crisis by focusing on destination management, not marketing.
Destination Managers: How to Create a Meaningful Visitor Experience
Guest post by Erik van t' Klooster on how to create meaningful visitor experiences at destinations. Good tips for destination marketing professionals.