image management

Bridging Perception Gaps: How to Overcome Place Image Challenges

How to bridge perception gaps, how can neighborhoods, cities, regions and countries overcome image challenges? Our panel of place branding specialists has answers.

Which Are the Main Challenges Threatening Place Branding Success?

Which challenges do place brand management teams frequently face? Place branding expert panel identifies four issues likely to threaten place brand success.

How to Maintain the Successful Brand of a City, Region or Country?

How to maintain a city, region or country brand, keep it alive? Our place branding expert panel shares five keys to success for sustainable place brand management.

Northamptonshire: Example of a County and Destination in Need of Strategic Place Brand Management

Shalini Bisani discusses the state of Northamptonshire, image and identity, and why the county needs a strategic approach to regional brand development and destination management.

10 Reputation Management Trends Place Branding Pros Need to Know

10 reputation management trends place branding and marketing professionals need to know. Key insights from 2015 report by the Reputation Institute.

Ethics And Why We Need To Rebrand Branding

Josh Jost ethics and identity consultant in London, reflects on ethics and why we need to rebrand branding, or at least think twice about how we approach brands and branding.
