Place Brand Academics
Discover insights from leading academics in place branding through our collection of interviews with place brand researchers. Interviewees are selected via peer nomination, ensuring expertise and relevance in the field.
Don Dioko on Macau, Tourism Marketing and Destination Branding in China
Don Dioko, Professor and Director of the International Tourism Research Centre in Macau, China, reflects on tourism marketing and destination branding research. He also addresses the pitfalls of region branding, refering to China’s Greater Bay Area development.
Eduardo Oliveira on Place Branding and Strategic Spatial Planning
Eduardo Oliveira in this interview discusses the role of place branding in spatial planning strategies and how social media is used in destination branding.
Paul Temporal on Nation Branding, Country Brands in Asia and Islamic Branding
Paul Temporal, Oxford University Associate Fellow and brand consultant, shares his thoughts on nation branding characteristics, country brands in Asia and the growing market of Islamic branding.
Massimo Giovanardi on Destination Marketing, Country-of-Origin and Tourism Overcrowding
Massimo Giovanardi in this interview talks about participatory destination marketing, the country-of-origin effect and how to deal with tourism overcrowding.
Gert-Jan Hospers on Urban and Regional Development and Place Marketing
Geography Professor Gert-Jan Hospers of the Netherlands discusses the challenges of marketing former industrial cities and using place branding to beat demographic shrinkage.
Annette Pritchard on Tourism, Media Representations of Places and Destination Branding
Annette Pritchard, Professor of Tourism at Cardiff Metropolitan University and Director of the Welsh Centre for Tourism Research, reflects on tourism, destination branding and how film and media coverage impact place reputation.