Place Brand Academics
Discover insights from leading academics in place branding through our collection of interviews with place brand researchers. Interviewees are selected via peer nomination, ensuring expertise and relevance in the field.
James Pamment on Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy
James Pamment, Senior Lecturer at Lund University, in this interview discusses strategic communication, public diplomacy, and international development.
José Fernández-Cavia on Digital Media, Place Brand and Destination Branding
José Fernández-Cavia, Head of the Department of Communication at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, discusses digital media and destination branding research.
Heather Skinner on Responsible Tourism, Corfu and Place Branding
Heather Skinner discusses responsible tourism, place branding, her work with the Institute of Place Management and the Academy of Marketing, and the way ahead for Corfu in Greece.
Cecilia Pasquinelli on Urban Competitiveness and Culture
Cecilia Pasquinelli, Postdoctoral Researcher at Gran Sasso Science Institute in Italy, in this interview talks about place branding, geographical associations of brands, urban competitiveness and cultural economy.
Andrea Insch on Brand New Zealand and Nation Branding Strategies in Asia
Andrea Insch of Otago University in Dunedin, New Zealand, shares her thoughts on "green" destination branding and analyzes New Zealand's "100% Pure" destination brand.
Caio Esteves on Place Branding in Brazil and Latin America
Caio Esteves introduces us to place branding in Brazil and explains how his MBA program integrates different disciplines and approaches. He also reveals which place branding examples in Latin America inspire his work and why the brand and reputation of Brazil has not been able to benefit as much as it could from the nation's global exposure linked to the Soccer World Cup and the Olympic games.