Place Branding

Regional Branding: What It Is and How It Works

Regional branding is en vogue as investors, talent and people are seeking more affordable and quieter places to live and work. Here's how regional branding works, what it's about and why it matters.

Nation Branding Explained: Insights, Strategies, Examples

Nation branding - a concept and term which has received ample criticism. But what does it actually mean? And how does nation branding differ from public diplomacy, country branding? Answers to those and similar questions here.

Destination Branding Explained: Insights, Strategies, Examples

Destination branding is en vogue, as travel and tourism are facing challenges not easy to solve with marketing strategies alone. But what does it mean, what does it stand for? Answers to those and similar questions here.

Country Branding: What It Is and How It Works

Country branding can transform global perceptions of countries, can boost national pride, and support export of products and services. Find out how in our articles, case studies and interviews with specialists in country reputation and nation brand rankings.

City Branding: What It Is and How It Works

City branding is on the rise. But why does it matter and how does it work? Find out by browsing through our collection of latest insights, strategies and advice for city branding professionals, economic development pros and talent attraction specialists.

Andrea Lucarelli on the Politics of Place Branding, Research Trends and the Role of Social Media

Andrea Lucarelli of Lund University in Sweden, in this interview discusses his research into the political dimension of place branding, latest research trends and the role of social media.
