place management
Place management: learn about latest research insights, studies, expert advice and good practice examples of managing places such as cities, regions, destinations or countries.
Gildo Seisdedos, Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain
City marketing and city management are the focus of this interview with Gildo Seisdedos, Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, and a solicited advisor on smart city trends and challenges.
How Much Does the Branding and Marketing of Places Cost?
How much does place branding cost? Renaud Vuignier gives examples of budgets spent for the marketing and branding of cities, regions, destinations or countries.
Jörgen Eriksson & Svetlana Masjutina: A Dialogue on the Evolution of Place Management and Branding
Place Management experts Jörgen Eriksson and Svetlana Masjutina discuss place branding cases, challenges, and trends.