UK: Learn about latest insights, analysis and trends linked to the image, reputation and branding of the UK: its brand positioning, and perceptions of Brand UK internationally.
How Incredible India and the Reputation of London Led Me to PhD in Place Branding
Shalini Bisani tells us how the "Incredible India" marketing campaign and the reputation of London led her to pursue a PhD in Place Branding in the UK.
Reflections on 4th Institute of Place Management Conference in Manchester, UK
Aleks Vladimirov shares latest place branding research and reflects on the 4th Institute of Place Management conference which took place in Manchester, UK, in September 2017, with a focus on inclusive placemaking.
Event Alert: City Nation Place Annual Forum in London, 9 November 2017
City Nation Place Global Forum London, United Kingdom, 9 November 2017: get together of place branding professionals from around the world. Here's why you should attend.
Gene DePrez on Economic Development, Place Branding and Competitive City Regions
Gene DePrez of Global Innovation Partners in this interview discusses the role of place branding in economic development and why it is crucial for the competitive positioning of city-regions.
2017 Country Reputation Ranking: Leaders, Highlights and Trends
Country reputation study 2017: Nicolas Georges Trad shares key findings of RepTrak ranking and reflects on changes in country reputation over the last years.
Paul Temporal on Nation Branding, Country Brands in Asia and Islamic Branding
Paul Temporal, Oxford University Associate Fellow and brand consultant, shares his thoughts on nation branding characteristics, country brands in Asia and the growing market of Islamic branding.