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brand positioning

Bruno Marti on How to Brand a Hotel: Example 25hours

How to brand a hotel? How to use smart design and create unique experiences for that special identity and brand which conscious guests can identify with? Bruno Marti tells us how 25hours Hotels do it.

Destination Brand Personality: Why It Matters and How to Build It

Destination brand personality - how to build it, how to maintain? Sara Vinyals Mirabent from the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (Spain) shares insights from a recent study, including practical advice for destination brand managers.

Brave and Bold: Creating New Logo and Visual Identity for Irkutsk City in Eastern Siberia

Natasha Grand of INSTID illustrates how her team helped to create a new visual identity for the "tough" city of Irkutsk in Siberia, Russia.

Top 5 City Branding Case Studies and Examples To Learn From: How They Do It

Here's our top five of city branding case studies and examples published by The Place Brand Observer so far. City branding strategies to learn from.

Gonzalo Brujó on Place Branding Strategies and Factors Determining Brand Strength

Gonzalo Brujó of Interbrand Consultancy, about how to measure the effectiveness and ROI of place branding, and the value of country brands.

9 Key Differences Between Advertising Agencies and Brand Consultancies

Marcus Osborne presents nine key differences between advertising agencies and brand consultancies. Highly recommended reading for those in charge of the brand development and management of cities, regions or destinations.
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