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Can Seng Ooi interview

Can Seng Ooi on Place Branding, Culture and Sustainability

Can Seng Ooi in this interview discusses place branding in Denmark and Singapore, and the links between city branding, culture and sustainability.
2015 UNWTO WTM Ministers Summit on Destination Branding

2015 UNWTO & WTM Destination Branding Summit – Key Insights

Key insights from the 2015 UNWTO Tourism Ministers Destination Branding Summit at World Travel Market (WTM) in London. Moderated by CNN.
Teemu Moilanen interview

Teemu Moilanen on Finland, Nation Brands and City Branding

Teemu Moilanen shares his experience as place branding advisor in Finland and discusses recent research on the main city branding challenges.
City Nation Place brand strategy award winners 2015

Leaders in Place Brand Strategy – CityNationPlace Awards 2015

Learn about award-winning place brand strategy of Oslo Region, London, the Croatian Tourist Board and Ireland - winners of the 2015 CityNationPlace awards.
Jordi de San Eugenio Vela interview

Jordi de San Eugenio Vela on Barcelona, City Branding and Public...

Jordi de San Eugenio Vela of Universitat de Vic - University of Central Catalonia in this interview discusses city and nation branding, using the examples of Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain.
Emma Bjorner researches city branding in China

City Branding and Media Portrayal of Chinese Mega-Cities

Research insights by Emma Björner and Efe Sevin on city branding and media portrayal of mega-cities in China.