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2015 Prosperity Index - contributing factors

National Prosperity Explained: The 2015 Legatum Prosperity Index

Learn about national prosperity around the world and the Legatum Prosperity Index 2015 in this guest post by place brand expert Svetlana Masjutina.
Destination branding case study Eugene Cascades Coast

How to Change a Destination Name: Case Study Lane County, Oregon...

Case study on how to change a destination name: from Lane County to Eugene, Cascades & Coast - by city branding expert Bill Baker, Oregon (USA).
2015 City Brands Index Anholt-Gfk Roper

2015 City Brands Index – Reputation Ranking by Anholt-Gfk Roper

2015 edition of the city brands index by Anholt-Gfk Roper sees Paris top, before London and New York City. Our summary of the biannual reputation ranking.
City reputation - 4 cities leading in sustainability

City Reputation Rankings: Four Cities We Love For Their Sustainability

Learn about city reputation rankings linked to sustainability: Copenhagen, Stockholm, Vienna, Vancouver world's 'greenest' and most reputable cities.
Place branding expert Chris Fair, Resonance

Chris Fair on the Branding and Marketing of Cities and Destinations

Interview with Chris Fair, President of Resonance Consultancy in New York, on destination branding and city marketing trends and challenges.
Examples of domain extensions for city marketing

Virtual Real Estate – Geographic Domain Extensions for Place Marketing

Guest post by Dirk Krischenowski on geographic domain extension and their use for place branding and marketing, especially cities and destinations.