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Marcus Andersson interview

Marcus Andersson on Talent Attraction and Place Attractiveness

Meet Marcus Andersson, co-founder of Future Place Leadership (formerly Tendensor International): adviser, writer and speaker on the attractiveness and reputation of places.
Make in India country-of-origin branding campaign

Thoughts on Country Brand India – National Image and Reputation

Nation branding expert Aparna Sharma shares her thoughts on the country brand India, its national image and reputation as manufacturer and service provider.
Interview Kevin Bowler, Tourism New Zealand

Kevin Bowler on New Zealand Destination Marketing Strategies and Challenges

Tourism New Zealand CEO Kevin Bowler discusses the "100% Pure New Zealand" destination marketing campaign - its challenges and successes.
How Presidents influence Country Brands - Example Hugo Chavez

Commonalities in the Management of Country Brands in Latin America

Lina Maria Echeverri, Director Observatory for Country Image (Observatorio de Marca e Imagen País) in Bogotá, Colombia, on country brands in Latin America.
Aparna Sharma interview

Aparna Sharma on Nation Branding in India

Aparna Sharma, founding member and former CEO of the India Brand Equity Foundation, on nation branding, national identity and the country-of-origin effect.

Tom Buncle on How to Succeed in Destination Branding

Destination brand adviser Tom Buncle of Yellow Railroad consulting shares insights from his successful marketing work for Scotland, Namibia, Africa.