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Gildo Seisdedos, Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain

City marketing and city management are the focus of this interview with Gildo Seisdedos, Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, and a solicited advisor on smart city trends and challenges.

Jordi Xifra on Place Reputation, Public Diplomacy and Catalonia

Professor Jordi Xifra of Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, on place reputation, public relations research, nation building and the case of Catalonia.

Jaume Marín on the Destination Branding of Costa Brava and Pyrenees, Catalonia

Destination Costa Brava Marketing Director Jaume Marín tells us about the growing importance of digital influencers and bloggers in destination branding.

Fernando Prado on Place Brands and the Reputation of Cities and Countries

Fernando Prado in this interview discusses the importance of place reputation, the benefits of place branding and its links with reputation management.

Philip Kotler on Place Marketing, Branding and Why We Need to Rethink Capitalism

Professor Philip Kotler in this interview discusses place marketing, his latest book on how to fix capitalism and why he likes Simon Anholt's Good Country Index.

Branding a Stateless Nation: Public Diplomacy Strategy of Catalonia

How to represent and promote a stateless nation internationally? Case study on nation branding, cultural and public diplomacy strategy of Catalonia (Spain).
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